Bill White's roleplaying game design blog, with emphasis on narrativist or story-heavy games.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Fixing Trail of Cthulhu
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Whither Rune Saga? Post-Nerdly Prospects
Freeform/jeepforge is somewhat outside my comfort zone but I'm very interested in your efforts to develop "techniques to facilitate player engagement with their characters without sacrificing the narrative coherence that oracular mechanics provide."
. . . To my mind, the tarot-based oracular game mechanics make Rune Saga unique so I wouldn't worry that In A Wicked Age occupies the same "space." I think the two games are very different despite the fact that they are both "sword-and-sorcery story games."
For me a major appeal of your designs is the support they provide to situation generation during play. Generally RPGs rely on the DM and players to decide what situations the PCs are presented with. Mechanics are provided to determine success or failure and to arbitrate conflicts; guidelines may even be provided such as "threaten PC beliefs" etc; however it's largely down to the DM (or other participants) to come up with interesting situations which advance the fiction.
In your designs the participants aren't asked to determine "what happens next?" they're asked to interpret the cards. This is easier somehow and works surprisingly well considering there's no 'architect' guiding the story. There's a degree of 'magic' being employed here I think.
Anyway, I'm curious, did you consciously aim to target this in your designs or has the added 'support to situation generation' arisen out of other things?
Your Fourth Age D&D rules would appear to address this specifically for D&D. In your words turning it into more of a "pick-up game."
Thirdly, I wonder if you might divulge any elements of the process you went through to establish the card meanings in Rune Saga and Ganakagok? Do I detect some of Vladimir Propp's narrative functions? I'm intrigued and fascinated. The symbolism which you've assigned is not only very effective but resonates quite strongly with me personally.
Monday, June 01, 2009
The Perilous Realm: An apocalyptic fantasy in three acts
- Swords (Chole) Open Plains, Steppe, or Desert
- Wands (Melanche) Forest, Jungle, or Valley
- Cups (Sange) Swamp, Marshland, or Coastlands
- Pentacles (Pneuma) Mountains, Highlands, or Hill Country
- Major Arcana (any) Town or Island
- Chole (KOH lay). This humour, also called “green bile,” is associated with the digestive tract and internal organs, particularly the kidneys and spleen. Its element is fire. Its virtue is cleverness; its vice is cynicism. An excess of Chole is said to result in excitability, rage, and anger. A deficiency of Chole produces episodes of gullible foolishness. A character with high Chole is excitable, irascible, volatile, energetic, prone to enthusiasms and manias, given to angry outbursts and susceptible to rage, jealousy, and envy — but also alert, daring, keen of sense and sharp of mind. The elemental form associated with Chole is a tetrahedron (i.e., d4).
- Sange (SAN gay). This humour is said to be the major component of blood. It is associated with the heart and the circulatory system. Its element is water. Its virtue is bravery; its vice is foolhardiness. An excess of Sange is said to result in high-spirited giddiness. A deficiency of Sange occasions cowardice. A character with high Sange is outgoing, gregarious, equanimous in adversity and content in prosperity; but he or she is liable to placidity and indolence, and susceptible to the pressures and blandishments of ostensible friends. The elemental form associated with Sange is a dodecahedron (i.e., d12).
- Melanche (mel AYHN kay). This humour, also called “black bile,” is associated with the digestive tract and internal organs, particularly the liver. Its element is earth. Its virtue is wisdom; its vice is a tendency to abstraction. An excess of Melanche is said to produce fits of depression, grief, and sadness. A deficiency of Melanche shows itself as ignorance. A character with high Melanche is withdrawn and morose, given to black moods and sullen funks; he or she also tends to be strong-willed and self-disciplined. The elemental form associated with Melanche is a cube (i.e., d6).
- Pneuma (NOO mah). This humour is associated with the lungs and respiratory system. Its element is air. Its virtue is piety; its vice is cruelty. An excess of pneuma is said to cause emotional detachment and withdrawal. A deficiency of pneuma produces irreverence. A character with high Pneuma is serene and contemplative, but often naive and impractically idealistic. The elemental form associated with Pneuma is an octahedron (i.e., d8).
- The Castle of Gathonolabe (P) +1 Melanche
- The Wall of Gogmagog (Kt) +1 Chole
- The Tomb of St. Judas Didymus (B) +1 Melanche
- The Fountain of Youth (R) +1 Pneuma
- The Firesilk Bazaar (Q) +1 Sange
- The Court of Prester John (K) +1 Pneuma
- 0 0 0 Youth (Maiden). Departure, initiation, potential. Sange +2, Melanche -1.
- 0 0 1 Knight (Priestess). Pursuit, conflict, struggle. Chole +2, Pneuma -1.
- 0 1 0 Mentor (Mother). Giving, sheltering, waiting. Pneuma +2, Chole -1.
- 0 1 1 Hermit (Witch). Gathering, resistance, obscuring. Melanche +2, Sange -1.
- 1 0 0 Bishop (Seeress). Judgment, revelation, command. Chole +2, Sange -1.
- 1 0 1 Vagabond. Seeking, failing, wandering. Melanche +2, Chole -1.
- 1 1 0 Hero(ine). Mastery, transformation, victory. Sange +2, Pneuma -1.
- 1 1 1 King (Queen). Completion, arrival, totality. Pneuma +2, Melanche -1.
- Capricorn (Melanche). Death, old age, failure, destruction.
- Aquarius (Pneuma). Magic, treasure-seeking, cameraderie.
- Pisces (Sange). Mysticism, religion, treachery, traveling.
- Aries (Chole). Strength, combat, valor, action.
- Taurus (Melanche). Health, rest, healing, endurance.
- Gemini (Pneuma). Messages, gathering knowledge, things hidden or concealed.
- Cancer (Sange). Fortune, luck, madness.
- Leo (Chole). Worldly power, justice, leadership.
- Virgo (Melanche). Worldly knowledge, mercy, love, sex.
- Libra (Pneuma). Peace, cooperation, commerce, working together.
- Scorpio (Sange). War, vengeance, evil deeds, scheming.
- Sagittarius (Chole). Laughter, teaching, protection, resurrection, rebirth.
- Byzantium
- Cathay
- Cipango
- England
- Ethiopia
- Fatimid Egypt
- Frankish Lands
- Holy Roman Empire
- Kiev
- Languedoc
- Leon & Castile
- Moorish Empire
- Outremer
- Rome
- Scandinavia
- Scotland
- Seljuk Sultanate
- Sicily & Apulia
- Syria
- Venice
- Byzantium is the hard-pressed and much-shrunken eastern Roman Empire, whose people are called Greeks by those from the Latin West and known for their subtle duplicity. The Emperor rules from the city of Constantinople.
- Cathay is the great kingdom of the far east, whose Song Emperor presides over an elaborate bureaucracy and whose vibrant culture produces many marvels.
- Cipango is an insular island-kingdom beyond Cathay where the Heike and Genji noble families vie for influence with the emperor of their land.
- England is a kingdom in the far West conquered a generation or two ago by Norman princes from the continent, who retain lands in Normandy and Brittany.
- Ethiopia is a Christian kingdom in the far South whose ruling dynasty is descended from King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba; it has been cut off from the rest of Christendom by the expansion of Islam along with other Nubian kingdoms such as Alodia, Blemmyes, and Makuria.
- Fatimid Egypt is the center of one of the chief powers of Islam, with important cities such as Cairo and Alexandria in its domain. The rule of its weak caliphs is supported by cunning eunuch viziers and mighty generals.
- The Frankish lands include the Kingdom of France and its important principalities: the Duchy of Anjou, the County of Blois, and places such as Flanders and Aquitaine.
- The Holy Roman Empire encompasses much of what is now Germany and northern Italy and comprises a network of semi-autonomous city-states, principalities, baronies, bishoprics, and other sorts of polities, united under an emperor whose authority is at most symbolic.
- Kiev is one of the principalities that rules over the Russian steppes, and is an important corridor for trade between the far north and lands to the south. Its golden age is recently passed, and it faces pressures from rivals and nomads from the east.
- Languedoc is the name for the regions of southern France like Provence and Toulouse where a particular Frankish dialect is spoken; its people are proud and assertive.
- The Kingdom of Leon & Castile is the bulwark of Christendom against Moorish conquerors from the south, and is chief among the Spanish principalities that also include Valencia, Saragossa, Aragon, and Navarre.
- The Moorish Empire of the Almoravids includes large portions of northwestern and sub-Saharan west Africa as well as southern Spain, and consists of numerous fractious and rebellious peoples ruled from the city of Marrakech.
- Outremer is the name given to the imperilled crusader kingdoms established in the Holy Land by Norman and Frankish nobles late in the last century. It includes the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the Principality of Antioch, and the County of Edessa.
- Rome is the seat of the Papacy, chief ecclesiastical authority of the Latin rite of Christianity and ruler of the surrounding Papal States.
- Scandinavia includes Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and the Orkneys, whose far-traveling vikings were once the scourge of the North.
- Scotland is a kingdom in the far north of the British islands.
- The Seljuk Sultanate is the chief rival of the Fatimid dynasty for control of the Muslim world. It has many fractious client states who owe their allegiance to the Sultan in Baghdad.
- Sicily and Apulia in the south of Italy have been conquered by Norman adventurers who cagily play off Muslim and Byzantine influence to open up opportunities for themselves.
- Syria includes numerous provinces and principalities nominally under the sway of the Seljuks but which seek to preserve their autonomy by subtle diplomacy; the cities of Damascus, Aleppo, and Mosul are prominent among them.
- Venice is a mercantile city in northern Italy whose sailors move aggressively to acquire rights and privileges in markets far from home.
- Arrival (Sange-Sange). The active character arrives at a destination; the active character overcomes an obstacle; the active character is joined by or reunited with companions. Move the character one square in a cardinal direction chosen by the active player, expending humours for direction and terrain; OR add a trait reflecting the event; OR move Prester John or another non-player character to the character’s square; OR move Wormwood to the character’s square if within the apocalyptic region (see below). Negate the effects of Obstacle.
- Departure (Melanche-Melanche). The active character begins or continues a journey, is dispatched by some authority or by his or her own initiative on a mission or other endeavor, or slips free of his or her current circumstances. Move the character one square in a cardinal direction chosen by the interlocutor, expending humours for direction and terrain; OR add a trait reflecting the event. Negate the effects of Obstacle. Choose a new destination for the character, if desired. Leave pursuers and other characters behind, if desired.
- Loss (Chole-Sange). The active character loses a fight; something valuable is stolen or taken from the active character; the active character is hurt or injured. Define the character as in a physical (Chole), intellectual (Melanche), social (Sange) or moral (Pneuma) conflict. Remove a tie or a trait or reduce one humour by an amount depending on the interlocutor’s relevant humour: 1 to 3, 1d4; 3 to 8, 1d6; 9 to 15, 1d8; 16 or more, 1d12.
- Masking (Chole-Pneuma). The active character dons a disguise; the active character is marked, scarred, or branded; the active character hides from pursuers or other foes; the active character is forbidden to undertake some action or is otherwise constrained. Give the character a new trait or tie reflecting the event.
- Obstacle (Sange-Melanche). The active character faces a challenge, obstacle, obstruction, or other constraint; the active character is separated from companions; the active character is captured by foes. The character cannot move until Arrival, Departure, or Remedy is played.
- Pursuit (Sange-Pneuma). The active character is chased, tracked, followed, or shadowed by foes. Create a new pursuer or move an existing pursuer into the character’s square. Until Masking, Struggle, or Victory are played, expend an additional Chole humour in order to move, and the pursuer follows.
- Recognition (Melanche-Pneuma). The active character abandons a disguise; the active character reveals a flaw or weakness; the active character’s brand, mark, or scar is noticed or otherwise proves in some way consequential. Add a new trait or tie to the character reflecting the event; OR tie another character to the character; OR remove any trait added by Masking.
- Remedy (Pneuma-Pneuma). The active character girds for war; the active character receives a useful gift; the active character learns how to overcome an obstacle. Add a new trait to the character reflecting the event; OR give the character a new special gift; OR negate the effects of Obstacle; OR restore a trait, tie, or special gift removed by Loss, OR add to one of the character’s humours by an amount depending on the interlocutor’s Pneuma: 1 to 3, 1d4; 3 to 8, 1d6; 9 to 15, 1d8; 16 or more, 1d12;
- Struggle (Chole-Chole). The active character comes face-to-face with a foe or otherwise becomes engaged in some kind of conflict. Define the character as in a physical (Chole), intellectual (Melanche), social (Sange) or moral (Pneuma) conflict. Reduce one of the active character’s humours by an amount depending on the interlocutor’s humour: 1 to 3, 1d4; 3 to 8, 1d6; 9 to 15, 1d8; 16 or more, 1d12. The character cannot move until Loss, Masking, Pursuit, or Victory are played.
- Victory (Chole-Melanche). The active character defeats a foe; the active character receives a reward; the active character gains the respect, admiration, or love of another character; the active character is transfigured or transformed. Add a new trait to the character reflecting the event OR tie another character to the character OR add a new archetype to the character. Remove one apocalyptic designation from the square, if any.
- If the card is a 2 or 3, transfer 1 humour from the relevant suit from Prester John to Wormwood (Swords = Chole, Wands = Melanche; Cups = Sange; Pentacles = Pneuma).
- If the card is between 4 and 8, transfer 2 humours.
- If the card is a 9 or 10, transfer 3 humours. If the card is a face card, transfer 4 humours.
- If the card is a major arcana, transfer 5 humours from Prester John’s highest humour to Wormwood.
- War squares require an additional Chole to move out of.
- Plague squares require an additional Melanche to move out of.
- Pestilence squares require an additional Pneuma to move out of.
- Poison squares require an additional Sange to move out of.
- If Prester John has higher Chole, then peace comes; otherwise, war will spread across the nations.
- If Prester John has higher Sange, then the people obtain health and happiness; otherwise, plague devastates the nations.
- If Prester John has higher Melanche, then there will be a time of prosperity and plenty; otherwise, the people face famine and starvation.
- If Prester John has higher Pneuma, then the people live in a spirit of harmony and good-neighborliness; otherwise, there is internecine strife and secret murder.
- If expended Chole is greater than expended Pneuma, the character is doomed to hell; otherwise, the character is granted heaven.
- If expended Melanche is greater than expended Sange, the character faces death; otherwise, the character is blessedwith life.
- Calvino, Italo (1974). Invisible Cities (William Weaver, Trans.). New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
- Chabon, Michael (2007). Gentlemen of the Road. New York: Del Rey.
- d’Ormesson, Jean (1974). The Glory of the Empire (Barbara Bray, Trans.). New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
- Eco, Umberto (2002). Baudolino (William Weaver, Trans.). New York: Harcourt.
- Philips, J.R.S. (1988). The Medieval Expansion of Europe. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
- Wright, John Kirtland (1925/1965). The Geographical Lore of the Time of the Crusades: A Study in the History of Medieval Science and Tradition in Western Europe. New York: Dover Publications
The Great City
The Great City Walks
The city is borne on spider-back above a strange and fecund landscape of almost grotesque fertility, a jungle of incomprehensible vastness in which isolated communities of human beings live in uneasy tension with the untamed land around them. To these provincial colonies, the Great City is a beacon of civilization and grace, the chief destination for their balloon-ships and the cargoes they carry.
The city is rife with simmering class tensions, held in check by the elaborate codes of politesse that govern social relations. The power of the nobility rests upon its control of the breeding stocks of servile insects as well as the battalions of myrmidons maintained by each family. But an increasingly wealthy mercantile class grows in influence, and may soon challenge the foundations of the Great City's political order. And the innovations of the entomosynitheists may lead to unanticipated consequences.
The Symbolism of the Stones
Color | Class | Mode | Function | Face of Peril |
Blue | Aristocratic | Deeds | Myrmidon | Political |
White | Learned | Thoughts | Drone | Natural |
Green | Mercantile | Words | Queen | Economic |
Throw | Meanings |
--- | THE VOID Nullity, Emptiness, Negation |
--+ | THE QUEEN Singularity, Primacy, Autonomy |
-+- | THE MYRMIDON Duality, Opposition, Conflict |
-++ | THE NYMPH Synthesis, Growth, Emergence |
+-- | THE WEB Existence, Being, Stasis |
+-+ | THE CHRYSALIS Change, Transformation, Concealment |
++- | THE HIVE Multiplicity, Complexity, Interaction |
+++ | THE WORLD Totality, Completion, Wholeness |
- 1 equals "minus becoming plus" (a moving minus)
- 2 through 4 equals "minus"
- 5 through 7 equals "plus"
- 8 equals "plus becoming minus" (a moving plus)
A moving stone is in flux; it affects the interpretation of triad-pairs and has other game-mechanical effects as well, described separately. It is represented by placing a scarab under the stone; such a scarab is called a "vested" scarab, and is distinct from a "free" scarab, possessed by players as part of their "purse" or pool.
Triad-pairs result from the juxtaposition of pairs of triads, as the name suggests. The first triad is the one that represents or otherwise stands for the "active character"--usually the one who is in the spotlight in the given scene. The second triad represents the "responsive character" in the scene.
Table 3 * Symbolism of the Triad Pairs *
1st | 2nd | Name. Judgment. |
000 | 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 | Initial Difficulty. Foolish actions cause problems. Inexperience. Wisdom & knowledge are needed here. Windfall. There is good fortune & gain. Gathering. You must assemble your resources. Falling Apart. Your means are inadequate to your ends. Restriction. You are held back; no gain or progress. Contemplation. Introspective thought is required. Change of Heart. Pettiness recedes; greatness advances. |
001 | 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 | Good Omens. There are signs of progress. Thunderous Noise. Progress requires concentration. Reversed Fortune. Gains slip away or are taken. Self-Reliance. The help of others is of little use here. Stalemate. No progress is possible. Nightmare. Your worst fears haunt you. Increase. Gains are realized. Unrequited Desire. You do not obtain what you wish. |
1st | 2nd | Name. Judgment. |
010 | 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 | Contentiousness. A strong leader mends factiousness. Reserves of Strength. Vigorous action removes obstacles. Perils Abound. Sincere effort avoids many dangers. Oppression in Plenty. You are bound by material things. Heartache. You have cause for grief. Irrevocability. Striking changes take place. Homegoing. Your path leads you toward home. Conflict. You are met with strong opposition. |
011 | 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 | Coming Together. Circumstances align in your favor. Weight of Ambition. Your aims overreach. Self-Restraint. You are held back from excess. Listening. Useful knowledge is revealed. Respite. The strong falter; the weak strengthen. Quick Thinking. A rapid shift avoids disaster. Sincerity. Indirection and irony prove fruitless. Careful Advance. Progress slows, danger presses. |
100 | 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 | Modest Refuge. Safety lies in humility. Vertigo. To descend is better than to ascend. Standstill. Your efforts prove fruitless. Suasion. You are swayed by words. Entrapment. Forces act to slow your progress. Rapid Advance. The way forward is now clear. Expansion. There is growth and increase. Dignified Retreat. A careful withdrawal is in order. |
101 | 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 | Darkness Comes. The position is difficult. Difficulty. The position is perilous. Wracking. Much is lost. Novelty. Unanticipated events occur. Empty Victory. Action brings no advantage. Obedience. You must be humble and subservient. Family Matters. Familty interests require your attention. Good Company. You find aid in your efforts. |
110 | 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 | Ascent. You move toward fulfilling your aspirations. Perseverance. Firm and consistent efforts bring progress. Generosity. It is advantageous to be open-handed. Perception. A weakness is now discernible. Sanctuary. It is advantageous to cross the threshold. Cauldron. Ferment brings change. Discernment. Nuanced judgment is needed. Confrontation. You face a foe who is bold & strong. |
1st | 2nd | Name. Judgment. |
111 | 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 | Triumph. The humble, exalted; the mighty, brought low. Kingliness. The great become strong. Waiting. Past efforts now bear fruit. Breakthrough. The strong displace the weak. Stealth. Indirection proves advantageous. Command. You must be firm and forthright. Delirium. Your senses are not to be trusted. Fulfillment. Greatness penetrates and brings closure. |
- Blue +: The face of peril has a political dimension.
- White +: The face of peril is a natural or scientific phenomenon.
- Green +: The face of peril has an economic dimension.
So in the case of our example, the face of peril has an economic dimension. Imagine that the players agree that thus far the bug rebellion has taken the form of work slowdowns and sabotage in the spider-silk mills.
The Character Network
The Agents of Peril
Human Characters
- Age: old (+) or young (-)
- Experience: urbane (+) or rustic (-)
- Attitude: cruel (+) or kind (-)
Second, choose your class. If you have any "plus stones" (i.e., stones with the heads or + side up) or moving stones, you can choose to be a member of the class corresponding to the color of the stone. If you choose not to be a member of a class to which you are allowed to belong, you are a commoner (note: since commoners receive no game-mechanical benefit, the only reason to become one is if you are standing on principle).
- Blue + : You can choose to be an aristocrat.
- White + : You can choose to be one of the learned class.
- Green + : You can choose to be of the mercantile class.
Next, determine your character's "intent" for the end-game. This is the player's answer for his or her character to the question, "Will you save the Great City?" The player may answer either yes or no, justifying or rationalizing that answer based on the throw of his or her triad stones. In other words: pick one of the stones you used to create your character. If that stone showed a plus, your answer is "yes"; if it showed a minus, your answer was "no." The reason for your answer must be based on the color of the stone, as follows:
- Blue: Justify based on (proposed) deeds or actions.
- White: Justify based on knowledge, beliefs, or perceptions.
- Green: Justify based on relationships or interactions.
So, for example:
- Blue + : "I will save the Great City by destroying its enemies."
- Blue - : "I am not strong enough to save the Great City."
- White + : "As the last bastion of humanity, it must be saved!"
- White - : "For what we do to our slaves, we deserve destruction."
- Green + : "I will defend the Great City to save my sister."
- Green - : "No one here cares about me; why should I care for them?"
Table 4 * Great City Names *
Male Names | Female Names | Surnames |
1 Alonzo 2 Ambrose 3 August 4 Barnabas 5 Bartholomew 6 Clement 7 Edwin 8 Eldon 9 Ezra 10 Gideon 11 Hiram 12 Horace 13 Leander 14 Lucian 15 Marcellus 16 Ninian 17 Obadiah 18 Simeon 19 Ulysses 20 Victor | 1 Almyra 2 Eva 3 Fidelia 4 Helene 5 Jessamine 6 Leah 7 Lila 8 Mahulda 9 Mercia 10 Minerva 11 Orpha 12 Parthena 13 Philomena 14 Preshea 15 Rowena 16 Rufina 17 Sophronia 18 Viviana 19 Zona 20 Zylphia | 1 Alcorn 2 Blackmore 3 Clune 4 Doak 5 Frewen 6 Gullifer 7 Hyem 8 Jessup 9 Kothe 10 Luckett 11 Mellor 12 Nornan 13 Oke 14 Polmear 15 Rouwe 16 Shinnick 17 Swais 18 Threlfall 19 Touzel 20 Urwin |
Bug Characters
- Motive: hungry (+) or curious (-)
- Ability: cunning (+) or strong (-)
- Nature: self-aware (+) or instinctual (-)
- Blue + : This insect may be a myrmidon (warrior).
- White + : This insect may be a drone (thinker).
- Green + This insect may be a queen (leader).
Character Resources and Connections
Place your character as a node on the character network.
- If your character is an aristocrat or a myrmidon, you may vest a scarab under your blue stone.
- If your character is learned or a drone, you may vest a scarab under your white stone.
- If your character is of the mercantile class or a queen, you get two additional "free" scarabs. Additionally, you may vest a scarab under your green stone.
Once all characters are on the character network, go around the table and give each player the chance to connect his or her character to one other character on the sheet and label that tie as either positive or negative. The GM does the same for the agents of peril.
You may spend scarabs from your purse for additional ties on a one-for-one basis. It is permissible to have both a positive and a negative tie to another character, and for ties to be reciprocated by each other.
- If your character is an aristocrat or a myrmidon, you get one additional tie, either positive or negative at your option, to any other aristocrat or myrmidon on the sheet.
- If your character is urbane or self-aware, you get one additional tie of either kind.
- If your character is cruel, you get one additional negative tie to any other character on the sheet. If your character is kind, you get one additional positive tie to any other character on the sheet.
The game proceeds in scenes, each of which focuses on a single character. Other players may participate in that character's scene, even if their characters are not present in the scene.
(1) Start the Scene. The player declares his or her intended action for the scene, advancing the narrative line as desired from what has already been established. "I want to find the Bug General's hideout," or "I want to go about my daily activities, oblivious to the troubles around me."
Each scene involves an encounter of one sort or another between the focal or spotlight character and some other character, his or her foil. This should be construed rather broadly, however. So in the case of the first example given above, the scene may be framed as an encounter between the character and the Bug General, while in the second example it may shape up as an encounter between the character and the Great City in general (alternately, the GM may create a new character to personify exactly those troubles to which the spotlight character wishes to remain oblivious). There is room for negotiation, as when another player desires to interpose his or her character into the scene because he or she wants something from the spotlight character, but the preferences of the focal player take precedence.
(2) Ante. Take 1 scarab each out of the Mounting Peril pool for the foil and the spotlight character. Place them in the "ante," a pot of scarabs that will go to one of the players who participates in the scene. A player is allowed to ante from his or her own pool if taking from the pool is not desirable to him or her (typically, because he or she wishes to stave off the end-game).
(3) Establish the Initial Situation. Once the relevant characters are identified, the corresponding players throw their triad stones or, in the case of new GM character, the GM's dice. The GM reads the resulting triad-pair (focal character's triad first) as an indicator of the initial situation, describing that situation to the players. Other players must "buy in" to the scene for their characters by paying 1 scarab each to the ante.
(4) Flip Randomly. The GM then randomly flips one of the stones in the triad-pair to its opposite, using a six-sided die. The GM reads the name of the resulting triad-pair to the players, but not its judgment.
(5) Conduct Reaction Rounds. Starting with the spotlight player and going around the table in order (with the GM being situated at the end of the rotation, i.e., immediately prior to the spotlight player's turn on subsequent rounds of action), each player may:
(a) If his or her character is not in the scene, the player may ante a scarab and narrate his or her character's arrival.
(b) With or without a character present in the scene, the player may pass.
(c) With or without a character present in the scene, the player may affect the judgment of the oracle by flipping a stone via the use of traits, ties, and resources.
(d) With a character present in the scene, the player may accept the judgment of the oracle, and take the ante of scarabs into his or her purse. The GM reads the judgment of the triad-pair, and the player assigns the right to interpret the judgment and narrate what it means to any other player who participated in the scene.
Using Traits. A trait can only be used to flip a stone if the character is in the scene. In order to use a trait, you must describe your character's deeds, thoughts, or words to flip a blue, white, or green stone respectively. Your description must fit the characterization in Table 5. For example, if you want to flip a blue stone, and your character is a kind, old, and urbane, you must describe deeds that are either helpful, cautious, or skillful. You can use a trait up to three times per scene, once each for deeds, thoughts, and words.
Table 5 * Traits in Action *
Young (-) Old (+) Rustic (-) Urbane (+) Kind (-) Cruel (+) | Impulsive Cautious Vigorous Skillful Helpful Harmful | Self-centered Conventional Common-sensical Sophisticated Good-hearted Mean-spirited | Callow Wise Plain-spoken Polished Uplifting Demeaning |
Curious (-) Hungry (+) Strong (-) Cunning (+) Instinctual (-) Self-Aware (+) | Inquisitive Instrumental -- -- -- -- | -- -- Primitive Clever -- -- | -- -- -- -- Imitative Communicative |
Note that "deeds" refer to any physical action, however subtle or overt. "Thoughts" refer to perceptions, beliefs, insights, and other acts of cognition. "Words" refer to utterances of all sorts, including inarticulate ones, so long as they can reasonably be construed as bearing meaning (so signs and written language count). Note that there is a grey area between deeds and words, at least: is pronouncing a couple husband and wife merely words, or a deed as well? The linguistic issues involved should be hashed out on a case-by-case basis by the players.
Using Ties. Ties can be used to flip a stone of any color belonging to the character to whom the tie is directed, but positive ties can only be used to flip a minus stone to the plus side, and negative ties can only be used to flip a plus stone to the minus side. The character from whom the tie emerges does not have to be present, but the player must show how the relationship (which should be described in line with the characterizations in Table 6) affects the current situation, preferably by role-playing an appropriate interaction.
So, for example, if a kindly aristocratic myrmidon-owner wishes to influence the efforts of an artisan (of the mercantile class) to obtain materials to craft fancy war-spurs, and the aristocrat has a positive tie to the artisan, the aristocrat must describe or act out his benevolent patronization of the artisan, perhaps something along the lines of, "You remember me saying to you, 'There, there, my good man, I'm sure this task is well within the range of your capabilities, even such as they are. Keep at it!'"
Note that there is some leeway in terms of deciding whether a character is socially inferior, superior, or a peer. In general, aristocrats are peers to each other and superior to everyone else, while commoners are peers to each other and inferior to everyone else. Members of the learned class are usually at least peers to mercantile class members, and often superior, though the richest mercantile-types consider themselves peers of all but the noblest aristocrat.
Table 6 * Human Ties in Action *
From (Type) | To Inferior | To Peer | To Superior |
Aristocrat (+) kind cruel Aristocrat (-) kind cruel | PATRONIZING benevolently arrogantly JUDGMENTAL tolerantly disdainfully | OBLIGING gladly grudgingly CONTENTIOUS good-naturedly disagreeably | -- -- |
Learned (+) kind cruel Learned (-) kind cruel | PEDANTIC encouragingly demandingly DEHUMANIZING unwittingly cold-bloodedly | ADMIRING respectfully enviously DISDAINFUL regretfully gleefully | INGRATIATING affectionately sycophantically FORMAL decorously icily |
Mercantile (+) kind cruel Mercantile (-) kind cruel | POLITE carefully dismissively RUDE unknowingly harshly | GENEROUS open-handedly calculatingly COMPETITIVE heartily rancorously | HELPFUL earnestly pointedly OBSTRUCTIVE obsequiously maliciously |
Commoner (+) kind cruel Commoner (-) kind cruel | -- -- | FRIENDLY honestly mockingly UNFRIENDLY politely openly | SUBSERVIENT humbly cynically INSOLENT defiantly sneakily |
Bugs are more limited in their range of social relations.
Table 7 * Insect Ties in Action *
Insect Class | Positive Tie | Negative Tie |
Myrmidon | Protective | Belligerent |
Drone | Playful | Reticent |
Queen | Benevolent | Haughty |
Worker | Subservient | Destructive |
You can use each tie once per scene.
Using Resources. You can also flip stones using scarabs. You can flip any one of your own stones or another player's by spending a free scarab from your purse. You should describe how your character uses his or her wealth, possessions, or other resources to influence the situation.
You may spend a vested scarab to flip the stone under which it's vested.
Spent scarabs go to the ante.
No one may re-flip a stone (i.e., flip it back again) until at least one other stone has been flipped subsequently. Note that this means that if someone has the wherewithal to flip all six stones on their reaction, no further flips are possible. However, if a stone has a scarab vested in it, the player who owns the stone may interrupt to move the vested scarab to the ante and immediately undo the flip, describing the character's impressive defense as he does so. The stone is still treated as flipped for the purposes of this "no immediate re-flip" rule.
After the player finishes his or her reaction (which may include multiple flips), the GM reads the name of the resulting triad-pair, but not the judgment.
(6) Take Rewards. At the end of each reaction round, each player who didn't pass and who has a character in the scene takes one scarab from the Mounting Peril pool. Additionally, a new scarab is added to the ante. Note that this doesn’t happen on any round where someone accepts the judgment of the oracle and takes the ante.
Ending the Scene
The player with narration rights has a lot of freedom to interpret the final triad-pair and affect the in-game situation. The player who won the ante has the option of distributing any amount of scarabs from his or her purse to a variety of places at this time.
- to another player.
- to be vested in one of his or her stones.
- to the "Yea" or "Nay" purses.
- to flip any stone in the Great City situation triad-pair.
- to vest in any stone in the Great City situation triad-pair.
Normal play ends when at the end of a scene the Mounting Peril pool is empty. At this point, the end-game begins.
The player with the most scarabs in his or her purse wins the right to narrate the fate of the Great City in the face of the peril, in line with the judgment of the Great City's triad-pair and the distribution of scarabs in the Great City Fate box--if there are more Yea scarabs than Nay scarabs, the City is presumed to survive the peril; otherwise, it is presumed to succumb.
In order from fattest to thinnest purse (resolve ties with a die roll), each player narrates his or her character's final fate in line with the judgment formed by combining the character's triad with either the first half of Great City's triad pair (if the character was committed to saving the Great City) or the second half of the Great City's triad pair (if the character was not committed to saving the Great City).
Nothing in later-occurring end-game narration can contradict narration that occurred previously.
1. Say "EN tuh MUH suh NITH ee ist"; literally, "insect user": one of the learned scholar-breeders whose careful cross-breeding and genetic manipulation of insect species is responsible for the prosperity of human society.
2. Say "MEER muh don." A class of fierce warrior-insect, bred into fantastical new forms by entomosynitheists and trained in elaborate martial evolutions and demonstrations by the aristocrats of the Great City.
About Me

- Bill White
- A communication Ph.D., I teach public speaking and media-related courses in the middle of PA. I do research on scholarly/scientific communication, and I write & play roleplaying games.